Any Ideas on fixing Poor Customer service in T&T?
People talk about it all the time, "When will customer service improve here in T&T?... What is the formula to fix it?..." So by taking a closer look and doing some simple research i realized that many business owners are not aware of what is happening on the ground. They have a vision of the services their customers should be receiving, but it just not being executed on the "shop floor" What they wouldn't give to be an UNDERCOVER BOSS. So with this in mindhttp://doittrini.com was developed. Connecting Services, a place where a business can advertise their services for free... and a customer can review these services by documenting their experiences GOOD and BAD.
If we can take the mystery shopper concept and pair it with the necessary customer service training. The question is are the business owners willing to pay for these services. What will spur the change is if we as customers, once we get the shoddy service, we leave the goods right there and demand our money back. We are the ones that have to effect the change.
A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. ~Mahatma Gandhi~
Invest in employees! I offer a customer service program; training customer service specialists on offering exceptional service. If the company demonstrates value of their employees; employees feel empowered and equipped to deal with any situation. I believe we can teach the power of the smile.
I also believe in the power of a smile, it goes a long way. Teaching people the skills to be a good customer service provider and empowering them, i like those approaches. I will aslo add getting them to care. People usually can't help sliding toward the behaviors of those who surround them. So if you want people to care, make sure the culture of your environment has hit a critical mass of caring, and that is hard for an organisation to achieve. Thanks X
I agree with you Joy in investing in your employees, however loyalty is a dying thing and employers, especially small business may not think it is worth it. I worked in customer sevice for 16 years and enjoyed it very much now that I have changed jobs and I no longer have that I miss it a lot. Customer service is not for everyone and to give good service I believe comes naturally. Some may beg to differ.
Small businesses need take more in in the recruiting of employees. If you value your business and employees you would see the value in better preparing your business to interface with customers. Try explaining this to some business owners . . . I am very careful concerning who I allow to represent my business. When you just grab anyone off the street without performing proper background checks, requesting references, etc and put them to deal with your customers without training or supervision, you are taking serious risks with your business' reputation.
It's up to you, you are the manager, owner this is your bread and butter.
Also, I'll tell you guys something, I've had a situation where people were not willing to work with me after their first encounter. It has lots to do with how you make people feel, leadership is not just about being the boss / being in charge. It has lots (more than we think) to do with how you influence the people around you. Do you motivate your staff, would you spend to reward them for good performance, do you acknowledge their needs as a person, do you even care of they fall down and die?
Loyalty is some thing we need to earn, yes even the boss!
This is a great discussion, I believe it does start from the top with leadership that motivates and shows an example as well as a heavy emphasis on having informed, equipped and motivated employees. The pervasive elements of leadership that is the norm in Trinidad and Tobago starts on a much more global level, our lack of leadership starts in the political forum and spreads to the business and social forums.This can be changed but do we really want change in our society? That would mean taking responsibility and accountability on a personal level as well as a professional level. It starts with me! First not accepting mediocre service and then not giving mediocre service to all the people you interact with on a daily basis, and funny enough I do not have to be in a service job to do so.
High five to both X and X. I do believe people mistake a Leader with a Manager, I think it is percieved that if you have a managerial position it automatically makes you a leader, that is such a misconception. Motivation is something that is also sadly lacking, some people feel a higher salary is what true motivation is, lies.
I believe employers should train their staff, no matter how long they stay with the organisation because to me that is contributing to a better person and an improved society at large.
Have a grea day all!
I too have that belief in contributing to other's lives. It really makes one feel good inside and that is something you can never pay for. Apart from this, I do believe that relationships play a great part in the whole picture. Come on leaders, it's ok to be human . . . go on try it.
In my business, when I am hiring someone into a position, one of my key interview questions center on the candidate’s customer service skills. I need to make sure that the candidate correctly identifies his/her primary customers and shows concern. I expect the candidate to demonstrate in the interview the he/she is able to pay careful attention to the customers’ needs and provide reliable service. It is important that employees understand how to deal effectively with customers and understand the implications for establishing and maintaining key relationships. Simply put, without the customers, there is no business!
well said Trinbagonian. The problem of bad customer service in TnT is not a service problem but an attitude problem. This is funny and is in no way to be taken seriously; I once asked a leading legal mind what the answer is to solving the attitude problems in this great country and they gave me 2 letters and a number: AK-47. The thing that wasn't so funny is that they were serious. I choose to defer. I still believe in the promise of my people, Trinbagonians we all are, Trinbagonians we shall remain, Trinbagonians rising! Again & again, I state unequivocally that the direction and vision MUST emanate from the highest office that has been tasked to serve us. Sadly, it isn't and won't be. The lesson taught at this point by human experience is simply this, that the man who will get up will be helped up; and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down. - Frederick Douglass
All these comments are greats and each treat well with the factors which are impacting on the provision of good customer service in Trindad and Tobago.
However , I strongly believe that the problem is not negatively impacting activity, sales or profits or that the adverse effects have not documented or accepted by the manager administrator or leader.
People of Trinidad and Tobago ,would purchase goods and services from businesses with extremely poor service and would say " them is something else , yes"; buh ah get wah a want."
They would go to a government office or to a business for service and accept total rudeness and would accept that it is all part of the package; that is the way things are here.
Yes, this issue has to be dealt with from the top. But , why are we waiting on the leadership to do it?
Every one of us are aware of what is wrong. If we are treated badly in a store, do we still buy the item and walk out? Do we call the supervisor , owner or manager and indicate that the treatment was poor, even if we know he or she might cuss us up?
Why are we waiting on others? Do we smile and say " good morning" when we go to our place of work? Do we say " thank you" if some one brings a file that we request?
Yes, each one of us have the power to start the revolution.
So......................the ball is in our court too.
Good Morning,
Great perspective X ! In Trini, I think that it begins with the customer, but it is not mutually exclusive. Although we hem and haw about the low level of customer service that we receive, we continue to patronize these businesses on a daily basis.
Where is the VOC -- the voice of the customer -- in Trinidad? If we don't speak up and take ACTION (with our wallets) -- no one will listen
Folks, let me throw a spanner in the works and introduce an angle that many people are scared to discuss. Firstly, the problem of customer service is so deep rooted in our society that it stands to reason that the factors which led to our poor behaviors are likely to be just as deeply rooted. Otherwise it would be easily fixed. There is a school of thought that the work ethic that pervades in our organisations at every level is manifestation of the psycho-cultural impact of slavery and colonialism on our people. Your thoughts..
The post continues on and on... i will share the others in PART2.
It is clear to me Trinbagoians have the knowledge and the power to fix customer service here in T&T. LET US JUST DO IT ~ http://doittrini.com
A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. ~Mahatma Gandhi~
Invest in employees! I offer a customer service program; training customer service specialists on offering exceptional service. If the company demonstrates value of their employees; employees feel empowered and equipped to deal with any situation. I believe we can teach the power of the smile.
I also believe in the power of a smile, it goes a long way. Teaching people the skills to be a good customer service provider and empowering them, i like those approaches. I will aslo add getting them to care. People usually can't help sliding toward the behaviors of those who surround them. So if you want people to care, make sure the culture of your environment has hit a critical mass of caring, and that is hard for an organisation to achieve. Thanks X
I agree with you Joy in investing in your employees, however loyalty is a dying thing and employers, especially small business may not think it is worth it. I worked in customer sevice for 16 years and enjoyed it very much now that I have changed jobs and I no longer have that I miss it a lot. Customer service is not for everyone and to give good service I believe comes naturally. Some may beg to differ.
Small businesses need take more in in the recruiting of employees. If you value your business and employees you would see the value in better preparing your business to interface with customers. Try explaining this to some business owners . . . I am very careful concerning who I allow to represent my business. When you just grab anyone off the street without performing proper background checks, requesting references, etc and put them to deal with your customers without training or supervision, you are taking serious risks with your business' reputation.
It's up to you, you are the manager, owner this is your bread and butter.
Also, I'll tell you guys something, I've had a situation where people were not willing to work with me after their first encounter. It has lots to do with how you make people feel, leadership is not just about being the boss / being in charge. It has lots (more than we think) to do with how you influence the people around you. Do you motivate your staff, would you spend to reward them for good performance, do you acknowledge their needs as a person, do you even care of they fall down and die?
Loyalty is some thing we need to earn, yes even the boss!
This is a great discussion, I believe it does start from the top with leadership that motivates and shows an example as well as a heavy emphasis on having informed, equipped and motivated employees. The pervasive elements of leadership that is the norm in Trinidad and Tobago starts on a much more global level, our lack of leadership starts in the political forum and spreads to the business and social forums.This can be changed but do we really want change in our society? That would mean taking responsibility and accountability on a personal level as well as a professional level. It starts with me! First not accepting mediocre service and then not giving mediocre service to all the people you interact with on a daily basis, and funny enough I do not have to be in a service job to do so.
High five to both X and X. I do believe people mistake a Leader with a Manager, I think it is percieved that if you have a managerial position it automatically makes you a leader, that is such a misconception. Motivation is something that is also sadly lacking, some people feel a higher salary is what true motivation is, lies.
I believe employers should train their staff, no matter how long they stay with the organisation because to me that is contributing to a better person and an improved society at large.
Have a grea day all!
I too have that belief in contributing to other's lives. It really makes one feel good inside and that is something you can never pay for. Apart from this, I do believe that relationships play a great part in the whole picture. Come on leaders, it's ok to be human . . . go on try it.
In my business, when I am hiring someone into a position, one of my key interview questions center on the candidate’s customer service skills. I need to make sure that the candidate correctly identifies his/her primary customers and shows concern. I expect the candidate to demonstrate in the interview the he/she is able to pay careful attention to the customers’ needs and provide reliable service. It is important that employees understand how to deal effectively with customers and understand the implications for establishing and maintaining key relationships. Simply put, without the customers, there is no business!
well said Trinbagonian. The problem of bad customer service in TnT is not a service problem but an attitude problem. This is funny and is in no way to be taken seriously; I once asked a leading legal mind what the answer is to solving the attitude problems in this great country and they gave me 2 letters and a number: AK-47. The thing that wasn't so funny is that they were serious. I choose to defer. I still believe in the promise of my people, Trinbagonians we all are, Trinbagonians we shall remain, Trinbagonians rising! Again & again, I state unequivocally that the direction and vision MUST emanate from the highest office that has been tasked to serve us. Sadly, it isn't and won't be. The lesson taught at this point by human experience is simply this, that the man who will get up will be helped up; and the man who will not get up will be allowed to stay down. - Frederick Douglass
All these comments are greats and each treat well with the factors which are impacting on the provision of good customer service in Trindad and Tobago.
However , I strongly believe that the problem is not negatively impacting activity, sales or profits or that the adverse effects have not documented or accepted by the manager administrator or leader.
People of Trinidad and Tobago ,would purchase goods and services from businesses with extremely poor service and would say " them is something else , yes"; buh ah get wah a want."
They would go to a government office or to a business for service and accept total rudeness and would accept that it is all part of the package; that is the way things are here.
Yes, this issue has to be dealt with from the top. But , why are we waiting on the leadership to do it?
Every one of us are aware of what is wrong. If we are treated badly in a store, do we still buy the item and walk out? Do we call the supervisor , owner or manager and indicate that the treatment was poor, even if we know he or she might cuss us up?
Why are we waiting on others? Do we smile and say " good morning" when we go to our place of work? Do we say " thank you" if some one brings a file that we request?
Yes, each one of us have the power to start the revolution.
So......................the ball is in our court too.
Good Morning,
Great perspective X ! In Trini, I think that it begins with the customer, but it is not mutually exclusive. Although we hem and haw about the low level of customer service that we receive, we continue to patronize these businesses on a daily basis.
Where is the VOC -- the voice of the customer -- in Trinidad? If we don't speak up and take ACTION (with our wallets) -- no one will listen
Folks, let me throw a spanner in the works and introduce an angle that many people are scared to discuss. Firstly, the problem of customer service is so deep rooted in our society that it stands to reason that the factors which led to our poor behaviors are likely to be just as deeply rooted. Otherwise it would be easily fixed. There is a school of thought that the work ethic that pervades in our organisations at every level is manifestation of the psycho-cultural impact of slavery and colonialism on our people. Your thoughts..
The post continues on and on... i will share the others in PART2.
It is clear to me Trinbagoians have the knowledge and the power to fix customer service here in T&T. LET US JUST DO IT ~ http://doittrini.com
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