- Public Discussion Forums, to address the root of the problem and come up with solutions
- Public Awareness Campaigns such as rallies, matches, flyers, magazines etc...
- All out Boycott on BAD service providers
- and much more...
Like the page join the cause on FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/doittrini
Sign The Pledge on Causes, show your support - http://www.causes.com/actions/1740130-fixing-customer-service-in-trinidad-tobago
Follow, and Tweet with hashtag #doittrini. By tweeting with the hashtag, you can share with the community in real-time, your customer service experiences - https://twitter.com/doittrini
Keep updated with the Blog - http://doittrini.blogspot.com/ - wait you're here now :)
Join the discussions on the main website, you will be required to register for FREE to start sharing, however you can view the discussions without and account, but what is the fun in that - http://doittrini.com/member/index.php/component/discussions
Eleven months ago one of our founders (Kevin Ramsoobhag), also started a discussion on LinkedIn, engaging professionals in T&T. Since then so many contributions were received, we know there is a problem. It's just waiting to be fixed.
Any Ideas on fixing Poor Customer service in T&T?
People talk about it all the time, "When will customer service improve here in T&T?... What is the formula to fix it?..." So by taking a closer look and doing some simple research i realized that many business owners are not aware of what is happening on the ground. They have a vision of the services their customers should be receiving, but it just not being executed on the "shop floor" What they wouldn't give to be an UNDERCOVER BOSS. So with this in mindhttp://doittrini.com was developed. Connecting Services, a place where a business can advertise their services for free... and a customer can review these services by documenting their experiences GOOD and BAD.
This can be found in the Trinidad and Tobago Professionals Online ( TTPO) Group - http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=37670
We encourage you to join the discussions.
We need your support T&T, ACT NOW!!!!